Sunday, December 28, 2008

Darlene Gentry

I usually try to understand why these people do what they do..but this one..I don't get..and she so blatantly killed her husband..she can lie all she wants, but the bitch did it.
Her story was the most stupid story I have ever heard..Okay..she shot her hubby in the head, then called 911..and this is what she said.."yeah, I was sleeping in my sons room all night cause they couldn't sleep and when I got up the back door was opened and my husbands gun cabinet was opened and all his guns are gone..and when I went to check on my husband, there was blood on the bed, he's got pink foam coming out of his mouth and he is making a god awful sound.. " (To hear the actual 911 call click the link and give it a second to load)

Okay..first of all..if someone broke into my house and shot my husband in the head..I would have freaked the hell out and called 911 and said someone shot my husband! Instead of the LONG ass story she gave..I don't think I would have been that calm and I certainly would have tried to help my husband out..especially if he was making a god awful sound! And Darlene Gentry is a nurse! WTF?
So the cops come and see all the guns lying in the front yard..neatly doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what was going on. She claims to have heard nothing or saw nothing. I've heard is extremly loud..Also, there was one gun missing..a .22 pistol.
So she decides that she wants to move because she doesn't want to live in the house that her husband got shot in..that's she goes to look at some land and the land she is looking at has a pond. She asks the man who is selling the land if the pond comes with the land and he says yes..she then says, "good, because my husband always wanted a place that the boys could go fishing".
Well, she gets arrested for the murder, but no one can believe such a cute girl (she looks like Jaimie Pressly) committed this crime, so her husbands family bailed her out..well..yeah..she should have stayed where she was...because she may have had a chance of getting acquitted. She gets out of jail on bond, and goes to look at the land again. But this time she tells the guy she doesn't want the pond and she wants him to fill it in. Well, the guy gets suspicious for some reason and calls his friend in the Texas Rangers and says, " Look, this woman wanted the pond at first, now she wants us to fill it in..I think she may have thrown the missing .22 in the pond". So they cops send divers into the pond and within 15 minutes..they find the gun! OMG! the guy calls Darlene and says they are going to "drain" the pond and they all set up cameras in the brush in front of the pond and wait..and guess who comes back to the pond? Yup! Darlene Gentry herself...looking for the murder weapon, that she so obviously had thrown into the pond..and you see her clear as day..searching and searching aimlessly for that gun..and never finding yeah...the tape was shown in court and she got sentenced to 60 years in the big she is on camera crying about the tape being admitted into evidence because the only reason she went to the pond looking for the Gun was because she heard a rumor that the gun was thrown into the pond and she didn't want the cops getting it because she was afraid they would try to frame her since she was buying the land..yeah right! Who the hell did she hear a rumor like that from?? You'd have to be stupid to believe her. What is sad is he has 3 little boys who have no daddy now and she is in prison..the boys live with the grandparents. Looks like the only reason she did it was for the money..750 thousand Darlene? Let me ask you a question..How happy would that money have made your boys without thier daddy? Or were they next?

To see the video...follow the link below


  1. 911 transcript 911 call from Darelne Gentry
    ROBINSON DISPATCHER: Robinson 9-1-1. What’s your emergency?



    MS. GENTRY: Hi.

    ROBINSON DISPATCHER: Robinson 9-1-1.

    GENTRY: Yes, ma’am. ‘um, this is the address of 531 East Moonlight Drive.

    ROBINSON DISPATCHER: Okay. What’s the problem?

    GENTRY: I got up this morning — I was in my sons’ room because they didn’t sleep. My back door was open. My husband’s guns are all gone, and — Cody, go in your room — there’s, um, blood on the bed, and he is gurgling, ‘um —


    GENTRY: ... all the stuff out of his mouth.

    ROBINSON DISPATCHER: Okay. So he is there?

    GENTRY: He is here, but —

    OTHER DISPATCH VOICE: (Inaudible) 9-1-1, 531 East Moonlight.


    GENTRY: Can I —

    ROBINSON DISPATCHER: Stay on the line with me. Hang on one second. I’m going to turn — I’m going to dispatch officers. Stay on the line.

    GENTRY: Okay. I’ve got three small boys.

    ROBINSON DISPATCHER: 15 ... 108.


    ROBINSON DISPATCHER: 531 East Moonlight. It appears that somebody might have broken in the house and shot the homeowner. There is an injured person there. The guns are missing, the back door is open. There are children in the house.

    Okay. I’m going to go ahead and transfer you to an ambulance service, too, so that we can get an ambulance there.

    GENTRY: Okay.

    ROBINSON DISPATCHER: And just — I do have officers in route. You don’t see anybody — I mean, like there’s nobody around or anything. Do you?

    GENTRY: I don’t see anything, just the back door was wide open, and I went back there, turned on the lamp, and I shut the door. And then I heard — and then I heard my husband —


    GENTRY: And then I heard a noise, and I flipped on bathroom light on. And he just had foam —

    OTHER DISPATCH VOICE: Did somebody (inaudible) there?

    ROBINSON DISPATCHER: 274, not that we are aware of. She advised that she just woke up. She saw the back door open. All her husband’s guns are gone, and she saw blood. Her husband is laying on the floor, and he’s gurgling.

    GENTRY: No, he’s in the bed.

    ROBINSON DISPATCHER: Oh, he’s in the bed.

    OTHER DISPATCH VOICE: (Inaudible) down — I want to go down (inaudible) ...

    GENTRY: No. I’m closer to 77.

    ROBINSON DISPATCHER: 10-4. She advises that she lives closer to 77.

    Anyway, okay. Let me — let me transfer you to the ambulance service so we can get somebody there to help you.


    (Phone dialing)

    (Inaudible background)

    GENTRY: Okay. Now go in your room. Okay?

    (Phone ringing)

    GENTRY: Come here. Cade, baby.

    VOICE: EMS Marsh.

    ROBINSON DISPATCHER: This is Jeanie from Robinson Police Department. We have a lady on the phone that has a possible break-in her house and her husband been shot. We do have PD units in route, but he’s going to need medical attention.

    AMBULANCE DISPATCHER: Okay, ma’am, what’s your address?

    GENTRY: 531 East Moonlight.


    GENTRY: Yes, East Moonlight. We’re across from the baseball field.

    AMBULANCE DISPATCHER: What’s your phone number there?

    GENTRY: It’s 644-2849. It’s a cell. We don’t have a home phone anymore.

    AMBULANCE DISPATCHER: Where has he been shot at?

    GENTRY: I don’t know —

    ROBINSON DISPATCHER: Attention Robinson rescue personnel, attention Robinson rescue personnel —


    ROBINSON DISPATCHER: — be in route to 531 East Moonlight Drive — 531 East Moonlight —

    AMBULANCE DISPATCHER: Okay. Hold on just a second. I can’t hear you when they’re dispatching.

    ROBINSON DISPATCHER: We have a subject that has a gunshot wound.

    GENTRY: (Inaudible)

    ROBINSON DISPATCHER: East Texas Medical has been notified to come out (indiscernible) —

    GENTRY: (Indiscernible)


    GENTRY: (Indiscernible) — he has pink foam coming out of his mouth.


    GENTRY: And he’s making a God-awful sound.


    GENTRY: And I’ve got three boys in this house. They’re ages 5 through — the youngest is 19 months, and they’re up.

    AMBULANCE DISPATCHER: How old is he, ma’am?

    (Inaudible background)

    GENTRY: What?


    GENTRY: Yes, 31.

    MALE VOICE: You got a lot of guns here in the front yard.

    AMBULANCE DISPATCHER: Are the officers on the scene?

    ROBINSON DISPATCHER: Yes, they’re on-scene now.

    (Inaudible dispatching)

    AMBULANCE DISPATCHER: Is he conscious, ma’am?

    GENTRY: I’m sorry. ... What?

    AMBULANCE DISPATCHER: Is he awake, conscious?

    GENTRY: I — I can’t get him to respond to me.

    AMBULANCE DISPATCHER: Okay. And he is breathing?

    GENTRY: I can see his stomach moving up and down (indiscernible).

    RADIO VOICE: 24, expedite –— fire and rescue and ambulance.

    GENTRY: I’ve got neighbors, and then my in-laws, they’re already in route. And, let’s see, I’ve got to get the kids to them.

    AMBULANCE DISPATCHER: Okay, yeah. That’s fine, ma’am. We’re on the way.

    GENTRY: (Inaudible) Thank you.

    AMBULANCE DISPATCHER: Okay? You’re welcome.

    GENTRY: Bye.

  2. To read the entie story, see video and listen to the call click on the link below

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. She was too busy giving herself an alibi in the 911 call to get around to telling the dispatcher her husband was shot in the head. Giving one's alibi first is a big red flag in cases like this.

  5. She was too busy giving herself an alibi in the 911 call to get around to telling the dispatcher her husband was shot in the head. Giving one's alibi first is a big red flag in cases like this.

  6. Thought she could bat her eyelashes, and get away with it. She's just as dangerous as Pamela Smart. Keep 'em both locked up!

  7. She might be guilty but damn she is cute!

  8. She might be guilty but damn she is cute!

  9. Beep beep, wait. On the 911 call she said he was shot, but she didn't hear the shot, nor did she know where he was shot... so how did she know he was shot? If you didn't hear it and you can't see it, then maybe it's a stabbing. Right? Yet she knew he was shot! That's enough right there for a conviction, in my opinion.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Gunshot residue on darlenes hands. Really? THAT SHOULD B ALL EVIDENCE THEY NEED

  13. I was incarcerated with her and I think she believes her own lies. Also she thinks she's better than anyone else.

  14. She is a danger, apparantly she wanted her husband out of her life, but that's not how to go about it....

  15. How did she know he was shot, could have been beaten or stabbed? She is clearly guilty and should stay in prison, heartless sick woman.

  16. ooooo howcome she is soo pretty?!
